March 22, 2010

Review of "The Dead-Tossed Waves"

"The Dead-Tossed Waves"
by Carrie Ryan


Pub. Date: March 9th, 2010
Pages: 416

Synopsis: Gabry lives a quiet life. As safe a life as is possible in a town trapped between a forest and the ocean, in a world teeming with the dead, who constantly hunger for those still living. She's content on her side of the Barrier, happy to let her friends dream of the Dark City up the coast while she watches from the top of her lighthouse. But there are threats the Barrier cannot hold back. Threats like the secrets Gabry's mother thought she left behind when she escaped from the Sisterhood and the Forest of Hands and Teeth. Like the cult of religious zealots who worship the dead. Like the stranger from the forest who seems to know Gabry. And suddenly, everything is changing. One reckless moment, and half of Gabry's generation is dead, the other half imprisoned. Now Gabry only knows one thing: she must face the forest of her mother's past in order to save herself and the one she loves.

When I first started reading this book I was kind of bummed out because I found it to be very predictable; however, after getting a few chapters in my entire opinion changed. Between the cult that worships the unconcecrated and a twist that I can't give away, I quickly became hoooked on this book. I really love how Ryan creates characters that are believable. They have flaws and fears that help shape the story. Her characters develop and change as they are faced with difficult situations. Even Mary had some surprises up her sleaves and I was glad she played a role in this book. It was really interesting to see how Gabry's life developed because of the experiences that her mother had in "The Forest of Hands and Teeth".

This book was a page turner because of all the action and suspense. Especially once Gabry goes into the forest following her mother's footsteps. The end of the book left me craving the next installment, which I am dying to read! Ryan left me wanting questions answered and with the desire to know the plight of all the characters. In "The Forest of Hands and Teeth" I at least felt safe at the end, but "The Dead-Tossed Waves" has me unsure about the safety of the characters. I really hope the Dark City is part of the setting for the next book. We are teased by it, but never find out that much. Ryan has taken us through a deadly forest, a quiet seashore, and I hope a bustling city will be the next destination.

I would definitely recommend this series to anyone who likes horror, paranormal thrillers, and romance. Check out Carrie Ryan's website for printable bookmarks, events, news, and more information about the series.

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