October 13, 2009

Teaser Tuesdays

"The Forest of Hands and Teeth"
Carrie Ryan

Excerpt from page 7:
I know that in my life there have been breaches but I also know that I am very good at blocking out the memories that serve me no purpose. I can fear the Unconsecrated well enough without them.

I am 100 pages into this book and it is killing me that I need to stop reading to do homework. I was sitting in a small diner eating lunch and I had no idea that over an hour went by. That says a lot!

Teaser Tuesdays was started by MizB on her blog. On Teaser Tuesdays participants are asked to grab the book they are currently reading and open it to a random page. Then fist two "teaser" sentences on that page between lines 7 and 12. The key is to entice readers to pick up the book without giving away any spoilers.


  1. Glad you're enjoying this one! It wasn't for me, but I know almost everyone else has loved it. Great teaser choice, too - kind of spooky!

  2. awesome teaser!
    I love when I find a book that I can't put down

    here is mine if you want to take a peek at it


    hope you are now done with your homework
