May 12, 2012

Review of "Cinder"

by  Marissa Meyer
My Rating:
Pub. Date: January 3, 2012
Pages: 387
Publisher: Feiwel and Friends
Source: Library and Bought
Edition: Hardcover and e-audio book
Short and Sweet Synopsis:  Cyborgesque Cinderella with a dystopian spin.

While I actually loved reading "Cinder", I read 300 pages in one sitting, I have to admit I found it to be predictable.  As soon as certain parts of the plot were revealed, I pretty much knew what was going to happen in the end.  This didn't ruin the book for me while reading it, but reflecting back I just wished there had been one OMG moment.  I like to be surprised!  I like finishing a book and having a psychical reaction, like having to get up and walk around even if it is 4 AM.

 I think Marissa Meyer did a wonderful job at recreating the classic tale.  I wasn't bored with the story, because it wasn't exactly the same as the classic.  It's not just a flashy romance starring a cyborg.  "Cinder" touches on a lot of timely topics such as immigration issues, racism, classism, and war.  Meyer also developed some interesting characters.  I wasn't sure how she was going to pull off cyborg characters, but they were lovable.  I was happy that the villain in "Cinder" was quite evil, not a letdown.  

Cinder was a true pleasure to read.  I am getting a little sick of all the series out there, but I can't wait to see where Meyer takes the Lunar Chronicles next.

1 comment:

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